shotgun or rifles) he can do his regular diving shootdodge from a stand still position, but will now do his high amplitude aerial shootdodge if given a running start.
When Max is using his two handed weapons (ie. TIP: The drunken shootdodge is best used in a one-on-one situation, as you can affectively 'lean' out of the way of incoming bullets while having enough time to take out your single opponent. The drunken shootdodge has the advantage of easier aiming, since Max is not soaring through the air, but at the cost of making himself an easier target to the enemies. handguns or ingrams) he can do his regular diving shootdodge from a running a start, but will now do his leaning drunken shootdodge technique if starting from a stand still position. When Max is using single handed weapons (ie.
Now along with Max's diving shootdodge skills are 2 additional techniques - 'drunken style' shootdodging and aerial shootdodging.